The TC-3 and TEB bioreactors are being used in numerous labs to provide physiological conditions for the culture of blood vessels, cardiac muscle, bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and skin. Here, we would like to introduce some of the research being published by these labs.
I. A recent paper published by TC-3 users Hillary et al. (“Developing Repair Materials for Stress Urinary Incontinence to Withstand Dynamic Distension” 2016; PLoS ONE 11(3):e0149971. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149971) examines options for culturing adipose derived stem cells (ADSC) for use in surgical repair meshes. Using the TC-3 to generate cyclic uniaxial distension, Hillary’s lab compared the current standard scaffold material polypropylene with Poly-L-lactic acid ((PLA) and polyurethanes (PU), focusing specifically on their supportive properties and biocompatibility, as measured by cell attachment, proliferation, and matrix production. They found that prolonged mechanical distension in vitro caused polypropylene to fail, while a combination of PLA with PU greatly improved dynamic distension and cell interaction properties of the mesh. The authors conclude that “the key finding of this study is that subjecting materials in vitro to dynamic strain reveals significant changes in their mechanical properties after only 7 days. … We suggest that this dynamic assessment is crucial in the development of materials for use in the pelvic floor.”
II. At Termis in Sweden this summer, Ozturk et al. presented research on improving the quality of implantable cardiac patches for the therapy of myocardial infarction or atrial and ventricular septal defects (ASD, VSD). In their poster “Synergistic Effects of Chemical, Biological and Electromechanical Stimulations on Cardiomyogenic Differentiation of BMSCs” they describe a combination of chemical and biological stimulators in conjunction with electromechanical stimulation performed inside the TC-3 bioreactor. Their results show that “electromechanical stimulation had explicit results on cardiomyocyte, e.g. cell morphology and enhanced differentiation after 4 days of stimulation”. They hope to use the Ebers system to achieve cardiac patches with better functional properties.
III. Earlier this year, Filipowska et al. published their findings that “A Single Short Session of Media Perfusion Induces Osteogenesis in hBMSCs Cultured in Porous Scaffolds, Dependent on Cell Differentiation Stage”. Expression of osteogenic transcription factors is improved under conditions that mimic the in vivo environment, and mechanical cues such as compression and fluid shear stress are important factors in re-creating those conditions. In Filipowska’ s lab, hMPC cells were grown on PU scaffolds fitted into P3D10 chambers inside the TEB1000 bioreactor with integrated pumps, and exposed for 2 h to steady, unidirectional perfusion of growth medium. “Our results strongly suggest that osteogenesis of hBMSCs cultured in porous scaffolds can be successfully enhanced by the application of a single, 2-h perfusion session of a basic growth medium. Our data indicate that hBMSC respond better to a short dynamic stimulation when they are at the stage of pre-osteoblasts and/or osteoblasts compared to undifferentiated cells.” Results such as these can shorten wait times, improve cost efficiency and reduce suffering for patients requiring regenerative bone therapies.
Please visit us at the TERMIS meeting in San Diego on December 11-14 to see the TC-3 for yourself.